Past Productions

2016 / 1

"Agatha C. and the Village Hall Murders" by Derek Webb

Directed by Karsten Wildeisen and Martin Kuhlberg


07.04, 08.04, 14.04., 15.04., 16.04., 17.04. - Kulturforum am Hafen 


Agatha C. is a crime novelist. She’s also pretty adept at solving crimes. And when her sister-in-law Alice invites her to spend a few days with her in the village of Rudby-on-theMoor, it’s not long before she gets caught up in a series of murders which seem directed at members of the All Saints Village Hall committee.

From Toby, the Vicar, and Eleanor, Chair of the committee, to Harry Johnson the caretaker and Olivia and Oliver Leroy, there are plenty of suspects.

And with an investigating officer as incompetent as D.I. Twigg, there are plenty of laughs as the murders begin to pile up. 

But, while packed full of wit and very funny scenes, this is also a genuine murder mystery with an ingenious plot which will tax the little grey cells of the audience at the same time!

Derek Webb:

Born in Kent, and brought up in Portsmouth, Derek now lives in Pembrokeshire with his wife and son, having moved from Surrey in 2001 to get away from the M25.

He spent many years working as a copywriter and Creative Director in a variety of major advertising agencies, before becoming a freelance scriptwriter and director in 1996.  

His first novel (for children) was published in April 2010 by Parthian. Called 'Is', it is about Isabel Williams, who, far from being an ordinary schoolgirl, believes she is Isambard Kingdom Brunel reborn!

Harry Johnson  Caretaker of the village community centre  Dennis Tappert
Agatha C.   Crime novelist  Antje Ehlers
Alice Fogg   Agatha's sister-in-law  Waltraud Hundeshagen
Olivia Leroy   Resident of Rudby-on-the-Moor  Susann Berndsen
Oliver Leroy   Olivia's brother  Jan Andresen
Eleanor Mannering   Chair of the village hall committee  Brigitte Kapp
Twigg   Detective Inspector  Martin Kuhlberg
Toby Bishop  Vicar of Rudby-on-the-Moor parish church  Jürgen Kotisa
Maisie Mitchell  Cleaner  Anja Droge-Jacobs
Lockett  Police constable  Karsten Wildeisen
Isabella Bradley  Landlady of the Red Lion public house  Inge Stücken
Mandy Smith  Model  Martina Stölting

Photos of our premiere on Thursday, 7 April

Thanks to Christa Meyer! Please "klick" for enlargement!

What the press wrote:

Sadly - and not understandable for us - there was no press review in the Buxtehude papers after one of our shows - for the first time for years!

Buxtehuder Tageblatt, 31.03.2016
Buxtehuder Tageblatt, 31.03.2016
Neue Buxtehuder, 2016
Neue Buxtehuder, 2016

Update: 2025-01-23

Performances postponed!

We are very sorry to tell you that we'll have to postpone the dates for our new show "No Dinner for Sinners" from April to October!

For more information see "Current Production"


Our rehearsals take place each Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at VHS Buxtehude, R. 204 (not during school-holidays)

ETB on facebook

University Players

"Trifles & The American Dream"

For more information see here


We took part - with two sketches! See more!